Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Paint me a bingo hall, Randy Owen

Well, I have say I am a little disappointed in Randy Owen of Alabama, as he has gone over to the side of bingo. So much for a wholesome reputation.

On Wednesday the House Tourism and Travel Committee voted to approve the bingo bills that would set up 14 large bingo halls in the state, including two in Walker County. According to the Associated Press, the committee passed a version of the bill that would allow games in Etowah, Greene, Houston, Lowndes, Jefferson, Macon, Mobile and Walker counties. The committee took out Calhoun County, which was in the original version. Lucky Calhoun.

The identical Senate committee held a public hearing on the identical Senate bill but did not take an identical vote. In fact, they held no vote at all, for some reason.

Perhaps they were not serenaded like the House committee was. According to the AP, "The legislation attracted support from country music entertainers, who say it will help a country entertainment center be built near Dothan. Tracy Lawrence sang 'Paint Me a Birmingham' for the House committee, and Alabama singer Randy Owen told the Senate committee that there is no place he'd rather play than Alabama."

Paint me a bingo hall, Mr. Owen. And use some pretty colors to mask the ugly mess we're creating. Be sure to use green, the color of money.

By the way, going through the bill, I uncovered something interesting. There is a section that indicates that while the current bingo amendments for the counties would be scrapped, the governing authorities under those old amendments would have the ability to pick the operators of the two bingo halls for that county. In other words, the Walker County Commission would get to pick the two bingo halls which would have at least 1,000 machines each and would cost at least $50 million to build. Once that word gets around, the reaction should be quite interesting.

There is no question there is a big push this time to pass the bills. Paul Hubbert of the Alabama Education Association has already staked out a position, noting 70 percent of the 20 percent tax on the gross would go for education. The ink had barely dried on the newspapers announcing the plan on Friday before a weekend blitz of TV commercials started to advocate the passage of the bills. The commercials were so cheery that you would have thought you were voting for motherhood and apple pie.

Of course, the commercials also want to tout that you will be getting rid of illegal gambling. Oh, really?! The same illegal gambling that some of the same supporters are not just pushing for, but operating? Give me a break.

It becomes even more interesting when looking at other factors. The economy becomes a bigger player in this than it ever has before. We can talk about the faked charities, the crime committed to get money to play bingo, the poor people and elderly who are losing funds that they would otherwise use to pay bills and more...but money in a severe recession such as this will take center stage every time. One of the latest full page pro-bingo ads plopped down in local newspapers (still without identification, of course) blows up huge photos of Jack Webb as Sgt. Joe Friday, of all things, the quintessential cop. (I would bet...if I bet...that the ads used the images without copywrite permission, because I saw no hint of that. Heck, they won't even identify themselves!) It blew up that and another publicity photo from "Dragnet" with the headline, "Just the facts, ma'am," the famous cliche to come out of the TV show.

It then led into figures, which are true, showing the Walker County's unemployment rate has been lower than that of surrounding counties. It then made this statement:

"Over 1,400 individuals are directly employed by the Charity Bingo industry in Walker County. That's almost 5% of the entire workforce of Walker County. Tourism in Walker County is at an all-time high. Charity Bingo brings visitors to the area, which keeps local businesses thriving."

Of course, there is no way to double-check those numbers since the bingo halls are almost unchecked and have been from the beginning. But as the county has given itself over so freely and the bingo halls are hiring like mad, I would not doubt it has come to this. Kill bingo and you kill Disney World, the golden goose that draws in the crowd. And who would want to put our county into an economic tailspin?

Well, maybe those folks could do legal work for Attorney General Troy King. He may need it soon.

The Birmingham News and the Montgomery Independent reported that a federal grand jury has been meeting to question Troy King's former employees, with U.S. Attorney Alice Martin in the room. Not only do there appear to be questions of King taking retribution on those who don't see eye-to-eye with his supporters, but there are questions, according to reports, about why King seems to allow some bingo halls in the state to remain unchecked while he allegedly acts to close others. And this comes on the heels of a very public, nasty falling out between King and Gov. Bob Riley over bingo, with Riley telling the Alabama Baptist that King has simply been "wrong" in his stand. Riley apparently met with Walker County bingo opponents, heard from King, then heard from his own legal experts and concluded something was not right. King didn't even make the cut on Riley's anti-gambling task force.

Yes, that's the kind of tourism we need. New York Times reporters staying in our motels covering the attorney general of Alabama on trial.

Reports indicate Riley will oppose the new bingo bills in the Legislature, and so will a number of Republicans. One senator said it was dead on arrival. Then again, when Nashville comes to sing in front of legislators and bingo halls start using Joe Friday as a poster boy, anything goes. Stay tuned.


  1. Mr Randy Owen,Alabama does not need or want bingo slot machines.Just like the Lottery,we will VOTE NO!Gambling helps no one,just brings heartache.It does not help schools.Georgia has the highest lost in teachers jobs.All you country singers behind this,I hope the radio stations stop playing your music.Wake up people.While these people sit on the mountain top.You are getting poor spending your hard earn money for what!

  2. Aunt Bee, you should be sending your comments to legislators and to Randy Owen himself - and not just leaving comments here. I doubt that Randy Owen will read your message. And while I echo your thoughts, I think we're all preaching to the choir in leaving comments like this on Ed's blog. What we need to do is to become more active and start calling and e-mailing people ourselves - and support the mission. I love Ed's blog and I think he's great, but I think if we really want to make a difference, we need to take the message beyond this website and to the people who are making the decisions about this.

  3. I say...let the pears spin and the cherrys win.
    there is no law yet forcing you to play.
    Have you ever seen anyone killed by someone placing bets? I think you need to bark up a different tree...I say go for it Tater ;)
