Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Show debut reset for Monday, Feb. 2

The station has now reset the debut of the radio show for 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2. The groundhog will see his shadow; I suppose I'll be coming out from under the shadows.

I also understand again that the show can be streamed on the Internet and that the recording device I can use to tape comments will not be a bulky device, but a simple handheld one. We are planning on local interviews and news, but we will also have pieces from CNN Radio to balance with some national news. I'm hopeful we can plan for a good professional production for our local listeners.

1 comment:

  1. Ed, best of luck to you in this project. Radio is so much fun. Fast-paced and nerve-wracking... but fun! I did it for about seven years and then did some writing - including comedy writing - for a DJ with a Sirius Satellite Radio station in Memphis. The listeners are sure to benefit from your perspective, and I'll be among them. Looking forward to it.
